Report on a Community Problem:

School should be a safe place to learn and grow in knowledge. The last thing a student needs is to worry about being bullied, unfortunately for many students this is something that they will have to deal with in at least one point of their lives. Bullying affects students of all ages all throughout the world it is a serious problem that can lead to even worse situations if not taken care of at an early stage. Bullying can be prevented by the faculty and staff of schools by holding interventions and counseling victims that were bullied.
Bullying is something that starts at a very young age and may continue at any age or grade level. The affects for different ages may vary but no matter how sever the bullying is it should try to be prevented at all costs. Studies have shown that kids bully for many different reasons ranging from having been a bully victim themselves to abuse at home or even their own self esteem issues. Stopping bullying may seem difficult because you cannot really control the actions of a child. You can monitor them and counsel them only so much. Some students seem to bully no matter what you try to do to prevent it. Although it is ultimately up to the school to take action and prevent it. Many schools worldwide are enforcing a no bullying policy. This will help ensure the safety of all students by disciplining students who choose to bully others, they need to know that if they continue their behavior they will be punished.
Students at all grade levels should be very aware of bullying it is a problem that is affecting students at all ages. Different students are affected differently by bullying some may not have any affect at all. They may just ignore it and be okay. For the students who are affected may become depressed or become violent themselves. This is when a parent or teacher should step in and monitor the child just for their own safety. As the child grows older it may be a bit harder to monitor everything they do, so just make sure they know the causes and effects of bullying. The student should know that bullying at any age is wrong and no matter how young or old they are bullying should really be avoided at all costs.
Some studies have shown that some children bully for many different reasons ranging from them being a bullied victim themselves to potential problems in their personal life. Students tend to behave the way they are taught or by whatever they see or know. So if there is violence at home they are more than likely to act out that way and it is then up to the school to counsel the student and inform them that this is not the way to behave. This may be difficult because a child is going do what they want in the end whether or not it is the right thing to do. Peer pressure may also influence one to bully. Students often try to fit in rather than do the right thing.
Bullying in schools is unfortunate for the bullied victim nobody likes to be picked on or not fit in. It is something that can definitely be avoided by enforcing a zero tolerance for bullying at all grade levels. Although, by enforcing the zero tolerance for bullying this may not be completely avoided. There is still a chance for students to be bullied. It is up to the teachers and staff of all schools through the world to keep their students as safe as possible.