Rhetorical & Visual Analysis:

Hunger is not something that very many of us Americans have to deal with on a daily basis. Although there are many starving children here in the United States there are also many starving children around the world as well. Many people may feel like they cannot help the starving children here in the U.S when in fact they can contribute money or donate food to organizations that help feed starving children around the world. I believe that many people take for granted the simple fact that they do have food to eat when there are people that would be truly grateful for just one of the meals we eat throughout the day. To me it is truly sad to think of all the obese and overweight American children there are when there are starving children on other parts of the world who are literally starving.
When I first saw this image it made me think a lot about the powerful message this image carries. It is very simple and very straight to the point but it really makes you think of the innocent children who have no control of getting food for themselves. It really just made me very sad and stop and think that not enough people actually take the time and think about all the simple things they could do to contribute to the starving children worldwide. The creator of this image did not have to use an actual picture of starving children we all know what that looks like and to be honest it is not a very pleasant sight. It brings out more emotion I believe to actually see the effects hunger has on people but I feel that the creator of this image wanted to keep it simple as possible and just let everyone know to feed the starving children.
               This image shows two children and the world in the middle of them. The two children look very different even though it is just a figure of them it is clear that one is thinner than the other. One maybe symbolizing a child in the United States and the other child might be symbolizing a child that is starving. They are in the middle of the world to show that two similar children may have very different lifestyles and one may be healthy when the other is starving. The image has a neutral light blue background with white letters even the colors are as simple as the message and image itself. It doesn’t take a busy image or a lot of words to get across a powerful message. I feel like people try and always bring emotion into a sad topic that they are trying to get across and most of the time it does work but then a lot of the times people don’t want to pay attention because they don’t like feeling sad or feeling the pain of other people if it doesn’t relate to them. Because hunger is not something that many of us Americans have to deal with. You can get your point across just as well without using the need to make people fell overly emotional. Although for me when I saw this image I was not overwhelmed with emotion but it still got me thinking and it still got the message across as the way it would have done if a very sad picture was related with the message feed our starving children. This is why I picked this image is because I felt the message and the power the creator was trying to convey through this image without a graphic image of a starving child.
Nowadays children take the simple fact that they have food for granted every day. When they don’t realize that there is a child across town across the city or town they live in or across the world that would give anything for the food they are eating. It is sad to think that there are starving children everywhere not just in other countries but right here in our own city that we live in. We should teach our children to appreciate the food that they have on daily basis because there are children not lucky to have food at all. As a child my parents always made my brother and I finish all the food we were served at the dinner table because they could not stand to see us waste food. Now that I am older and I look back on that I appreciate that because now I appreciate all the meals I did have. It makes me value the things I have and it make me have a greater appreciation for the starving children we have around the world. I feel that many children also are not starving but they are becoming overweight. Not only is this very unhealthy but it is just sad to see children unhealthy whether it be that they are overweight or underweight.